Saturday, June 28, 2008

Sunshine after heavy rain

...Each plant needs furtile soil to grow. Goes for all kinds of living creatures.

Sometimes you only notice the effects of dried up soil after a long time.

Slightly more on the depressing note, I must admit...


A day later:

Something clicked today. After a major quarrel with the parents over yet another life-altering idea of mine that didn't find proper approval, I now find myself in the train from Madrid to Salamanca, Spain, overlooking vast grain plains with clear blue skies, rich colors, and pitoresque mountain ranges in the far.

No more perfectionism, no more looking for the ultimate solution. Now business will be getting down & dirty, hands-on and involved as I like my travels; with pen and paper, the mind map mind set, GTD's next action theory, and Ferriss' "Don't ask for permission, beg for forgiveness", it's now settled. I'm hungry for life, and I am leaving passitivity. Right now.

A new fountain of insight

When reading Microsiervos - a Spanish blog - today, I stumbled across a new website I quite liked:

De paso por el mundo - by Alberto Montt, a Chilean illustrator.

Take a look at my two favorites :o) - For hispanophiles and those comprehending Spanish:

Maldíto Guión


Thursday, June 26, 2008

Let's hope for the best

I'll pass on a brilliant link that Sheldon's Dave Kellett shared with his readers:

An email by Bill Gates regarding MS usability.

I agree with Dave. It does give a slight bit of hope :o)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

For the German speakers among you - Sound check, please!

This one's for the German speakers among you - as before, sound makes it so much better an experience *g*

Ready for a good chuckle?? Make sure your sound is turned on!

I want to share some web delicacies with you :o)

This one is bound to make you laugh!

And this one, I personally would suggest as your wake-up call in the morning :o)

But beware, especially the second one has serious potential of getting stuck in your head! Not unlike Loituma or the Hamster Dance :o)

Excursion to the Chinese Embassy

What a life. Shortly past 9 a.m., the sun on my back, happy chirping in the bush to my left, and in front of me the river Spree.

Every now and then a hurried stranger passes by, but the general mood down here between the sparrows is nothing but relaxed. :o) Past the tourist ships, fisher boats line the shores of the Spree. I listen in on the chit chat of captains busy painting their beauties.

My trip to the Chinese embassy this morning demonstrated two things about China and tourism:

1) traveling to China seems immensely popular at the moment,
2) it's getting harder to obtain a visa.

Fortunate for me, I don't come to these conclusions based on difficulties or crowds at the embassy. There were actually only a handful of people there - but 3/4 of those were bringing up to 4 business cases full - and I mean FULL - of passports to be processed along with them!

The lady in front of me explained her daily routine visit to the embassy as a travel agent - mystery solved. Though increasingly hard, it does seem to still be possible to get a visa to China - a proof of which is my roommate's passport, newly branded with lots of Chinese characters :o)

The poster on the bridge next to me advocating Falun Gong meditation techniques makes China ever more visible around these parts.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Next stop - Berlin

Amazing. I simply love my life :o)

Walking down the shaded alleyway towards Berlin's inner city transportation network, I can't help smiling with a flock of warm rays of a descending sun on my face. During the flight to Berlin-Schönefeld airport, Timothy Ferriss just introduced me to "outsourcing your life for everyday people", and a new book has made my to-read list: Thomas Friedman's "The world is flat".

I get incredibly excited about a lifestyle like Ferriss describes in his entrepreneurial bible. Jet-setting with just the right mix of preparation and free-styling improvisation. My first online checkin at a convenient seat next to the hallway, right up front. No boarding, no luggage, backpack securely stowed away in the overhead compartment above. First time travel with 6.5kg of luggage for a week :o)

I do miss my laptop already, though, so I make a mental note on my wish list for a topnotch highspeed ultralight sufficiently sized portable baby. If you happen to have any suggestions for a travel companion like that, let me know in the comments!
Until then, this little note will have to be written on good ol' paper.

Can't wait to explore Berlin from a new angle - roaming the city with a new friend, a new way of travel, a new sense of self, and a very bright outlook into the future.

Welcome aboard. The journey has begun.