Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Excursion to the Chinese Embassy

What a life. Shortly past 9 a.m., the sun on my back, happy chirping in the bush to my left, and in front of me the river Spree.

Every now and then a hurried stranger passes by, but the general mood down here between the sparrows is nothing but relaxed. :o) Past the tourist ships, fisher boats line the shores of the Spree. I listen in on the chit chat of captains busy painting their beauties.

My trip to the Chinese embassy this morning demonstrated two things about China and tourism:

1) traveling to China seems immensely popular at the moment,
2) it's getting harder to obtain a visa.

Fortunate for me, I don't come to these conclusions based on difficulties or crowds at the embassy. There were actually only a handful of people there - but 3/4 of those were bringing up to 4 business cases full - and I mean FULL - of passports to be processed along with them!

The lady in front of me explained her daily routine visit to the embassy as a travel agent - mystery solved. Though increasingly hard, it does seem to still be possible to get a visa to China - a proof of which is my roommate's passport, newly branded with lots of Chinese characters :o)

The poster on the bridge next to me advocating Falun Gong meditation techniques makes China ever more visible around these parts.

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