Monday, January 2, 2012

And back to work

Well, it's official. The new year has started and the first day of work has been achieved :o)

It was a good day apart from the fact that I missed the train on my way home. Which stinks because instead of 1,5 hours I needed 2 hours and a quarter... But I made it home, and in a fairly good mood as well, I might add :o)

Good enough so, that while I was waiting for my super healthy (*cough*) frozen sausage pizza to get done, I decided to try out my DIY discovery from last night - the mini greenhouse! While I was fidgeting around with those, Dennis got so antsy from watching me that he went to find himself his own milk box - and did a second one :o) Group greenhousing at its best *grin*

And now (drum roll please!), here they are, each one truly one of a kind ;o)

It remains to be seen whether soil will actually stay inside the boxes ;o) Well, you never know until you try. I already have plans for mass production.

This is it for now - good night, everyone!