Saturday, January 28, 2012

G to the O to the A to the L - G.O.A.L.!!


No, I am NOT a soccer fan :o) Today I completed my first goal for 2012! And totally out of the blue, too.

As you might or might not have noticed, for some of the goals on my list it will be kind of hard to tell when I actually achieved them. They are not exactly S.M.A.R.T. goals.

Some of them are more a reminder to myself to do more of something in a given period of time (e.g. "people-watching", "more live music"). Others are bound to a specific task, but are not in themselves telling me when I can check them off the list ("grow onions", "grow peppers"). I guess, since it is the end of the first month of the year, it might be time to re-evaluate some goals. (hm, are my goals getting S.M.A.R.T.E.R. then? :o))

ANYWAY, Dennis dragged me out to the "city"-center of Bochum today, and while we were perusing the better of its five streets, we stopped at a cell phone shop.

You should know that I have been with the same cell phone company for the past eleven years (geeeeeeeez...), and what can I say, I was always very pleased with the service & products of o2. But for some reason, I really don't like going into cell phone shops, which is why I usually stay out of them (duh.). Well, not this time. As I mentioned earlier, Dennis dragged me into the store, was instantly recognized by the two lovely ladies in the shop as he had changed his cell phone plan in the past week and has been totally excited about it.

We left the shop about 5 minutes later - equipped with a new cell phone plan for myself, the confirmation for a better deal for Dennis, and all the info that I might need to get myself a new phone. The exciting part, though, is that by midnight tonight, I will have a plan that costs half of what I usually calculate for a month (50€, now at 24,99€), I have unlimited calls to o2 customers, unlimited calls to (German) landlines, 120 minutes of calling per month free to all other phone companies, 120 SMS free per month, PLUS UNLIMITED INTERNET ACCESS. It might be hard to grasp, but for someone who really enjoys the internet, I have been pretty backward and old-fashioned regarding the whole mobile trend. I always thought that calling and texting is quite enough for a phone to handle. I'm ashamed to admit that I haven't even fully understood how bluetooth works...

For a while now, though, I have been getting confronted with all sorts of advertisements and recommendations for various apps - AND I'M DYING OF CURIOSITY HERE!

So now, I have the cell plan to actually access the internet. I'm not convinced that my current phone (a 5-year old HTC XDA Nova) is up to the task, but I can use a newer phone that was surprisingly gifted to me last week (a vodafone 858 smart).

So watch this space for all sorts of app reviews to come :o)

Goal #1 - DOWN! Thanks, Dennis :o)

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