Saturday, January 7, 2012

Sorting, Planting, Chocolate fingers

Hey y'all! (Have I mentioned that I spent a year in Northern Michigan? ;o))

Back here after a good day at work yesterday. Last night, I got stuck on reading Questionable Content, a highly recommendable web comic - that is if you don't object to sexual puns and lots of swear words!

So today I set out to do some goal work! As today is Saturday, I did what I usually do on a Saturday morning - clear the piles of papers, notes, books and mail off my desk that usually gets accumulated over the week. Part of that pile was the thick folder of files for Thursday's Civil Servant Adventure, so those are now safely stored in about 4 different ring binders. I did tell you that I was a structure freak, right?

Reward: a cleared desk. Brown (ok, slighty greyish, it could use some dusting). I am mentioning this because not too long ago, it was hard to ever find a spot of surface of this desk. For Christmas, I bought myself a file registry, in the shape of a slick black box. Now I can sort all the things that still need doing in the corresponding file and have it out of sight until I need it :o) Hence the empty desk. I do realize that this sounds incredibly geeky, but hey.

Anyhow, today's post was supposed to be about plants! I just spent the better half of an hour listening to Jethro Tull, planting all of the following:

- 2 sprouting onions
- 4 mandarine seeds
- roughly 70 red pepper seeds, using the mini green houses!

Sprouting onions.
The onions just got stuck into wet soil, bottoms down, sprouts out into the air. As I have no idea whether this will work, I'm excited to see what comes out of them.

The mandarine seeds I just lightly pushed into the wet soil. Can you spot the four white dots?
As I was told to put them in a dark and warm corner, they ended up in my garlic & onions drawer :o) I'll just have to make sure that I don't forget the mandarines there and keep watering them...

The red pepper seeds I just spread out over the punched sheets, mixed them with soil, and soaked the mix with a spray gun.
More wet soil on top, clear foil around it, voila. Please note that I have no idea what I am doing here, so don't do that at home unless you can live with the subprime consequences ;o)

I was thinking about calling the goal "grow onions" achieved, but I guess I'll wait and see whether they actually thrive. If not, I have about 360 days to try again!

That's the thing with making your goals less than crystal clear, you can't be sure when you have achieved them... I might have to toughen them up a bit :) But this will be a work in progress - this year is all about formulating, pursuing and achieving goals! I'd love if some of you joined me and shared their ideas, stories, successes and setbacks with me!

Have a great Saturday evening! We'll be watching HappyThankYouMorePlease - saw it on the plane to Thailand this/last summer and loved it! If you've heard about the TV series How I Met Your Mother, main actor Josh Radnor aka Ted Mosby directed the movie! Well worth seeing!


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